Funny story, there has been a lot of chatter about our baby name in the past few weeks...I have overheard many of my family members try to pry some info out of Brynn. In fact, just the other day I heard my brother ask her what the baby's name was going to be and she answered "Josh." Eric thought he had just hit the mother load of proprietary information, so luckily, he ran it by me to see if this was accurate before he told everyone and they started personalizing blankies. The funny thing is, she doesn't even know a "Josh," but now this baby is being referred to as "Josh." I warned B that the baby may come with a different name when he is born and she is fine with that ;)
Some good news, my prayers have been answered. I had another ultrasound on Friday and my placenta previa has completely resolved itself. "Josh's" head is now engaged and I have been scheduled to be induced on Tuesday, September 8th...there is an end in sight :D (I am being induced a few days early so I can be ready to shoot a wedding on September is boss ;) Thank you everyone for your prayers and well wishes.
On that note, the month of August will be filled with placing orders and tying up loose ends and only a couple special photo sessions. **Please get your orders in to me by August 15th if you would like them to be filled before my brief maternity break** Also, I will be in Door County for the week of August 8th-15th, so I will be unavailable to return emails and phone calls.
Since posts are more fun with pics, here are some photos I took in my mother-in-law's backyard for her. She is a master gardener and is going to be putting a series of canvases with pics of her yard over their bed.
I think Josh is a great name! Not that I'm biased about that or anything. ;)