Saturday, October 22, 2011

This is it? Or is it??

Well, I have been in the hospital for 24 hours now, but no babies.  Lots of random complications and discomforts, but I will spare you the details.  They are still running lots of tests and poking and prodding me at all hours, but for the immediate time being, these babies are staying in my belly.  I am trying to enjoy being on bed rest and relaxing, but I don't do bed rest very well and my body hurts, thus making it hard to sleep.  Plus, I can't eat anything in case it is time for a c-section, and watching "Willy Wonka" is not helping my insatiable urge to consume massive amounts of chocolate.

Thank you everyone for your prayers --- please keep them coming.  I was really a nervous wreck last night, but feeling more at ease today.

Enjoy the day and thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.  xoxo

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